Change the way you think about money
Stop looking at money as your biggest roadblock… and start using it as a tool toward the life you deserve.
Does this sound like you?
  • You constantly worry about money.
  • You wonder how other “normal” people always seem to make more money than you.
  • You feel trapped in circumstances that you believe don’t allow you to make the money you need.
  • You fearfully save every dollar because you don’t know when the money will run out.
  • You believe you’ve never had enough money… and you believe it’ll alwaysbe that way.
Been there? Me too.
Would you believe me if I told you that it’s possible to stop
thinking those thoughts… forever?
I mean, wouldn’t it be nice to start thinking thoughts
like these instead?
  • I have ZERO fear that I can make it work financially.
  • I can BECOME one of the people who can “make it rain.”
  • I finallyknow what it takes to earn more than enough money.
If you want to STOP thinking those self-defeating thoughts that hold you back from having the life you want...
…STOP viewing money as an insurmountable problem…
...and START taking charge of your one-and-only life on Earth...
...then my premium workshop, The Money Mindset Transformation,
is for you
Instead of seeing money as a never-ending problem, I will show you that money is a tool you can use to solve your problems. You will learn how to transform your money mindset into one that works for you -- not against you.
(None of that make-believe stuff, either -- just pure action to make it happen.)
My name is Caitlin Pyle, and I’m a self-made millionaire. 

No, I’m not here to brag about it. In fact, I’ll be the first one to tell you that the DIY approach to getting the life you want is NOT EASY. There are no magic secrets, and it’s true what they say -- success is not a straight shot. There are a lot of ups and downs. Knowing what to do about the downs -- and actually doing it -- is what separates the people who struggle from the people who eventually stop struggling.
Caitlin has been featured in...
Despite what you may have believed your entire life, money isn’t what’s holding you back from making real change in your life
It’s you.
I grew up pinching pennies and obsessed with saving money because we never earned enough of it. 

I grew up thinking that was how the rest of my life was going to be -- always struggling, never free.
In fact, up until 2013, I believed with every fiber of my being that I’d never make more than $40k per year. I thought since I had my degree, which had its limitations, then I had my limitations. I put a cap on my own earning potential.
Then I realized it didn’t have to be that way unless I let it.
Fast-forward to today, and I have a legitimate business that generates more than $1 million per year and has helped thousands of people around the world. (Skeptical? See my feature on Forbes.) 
So what changed?
I learned money actually isn’t the most valuable resource and that we all have something far more valuable than money… that most of us haven’t been using very wisely.
And… I learned that all the negative, self-defeating stuff I learned about money as a kid is actually a myth.
What you think you know to be true about money is, in reality, a completely made-up story.
The truth is that you already have almost everything you need to end the money struggles for good. 
What’s missing?
It’s not the next fad in the investment market. It’s not a fancy degree that costs tens of thousands of dollars. It’s not a better house in a better city with a better family.
It’s none of that. 
To end the struggle with money forever, you’ve got to change the way you think about money and success. This change takes place in YOU -- not your spouse, not your hometown, not your parents, and not your kids.
If the very thought of change and hard work scare you and for some reason you’d rather stay in the struggle you’re experiencing right now… that’s fine. Come back when you’re ready to take on a completely different struggle -- one that will actually get results.
I’m not in the business of pressuring people, and I’m not going to hunt you down if you don’t want to participate in the workshop… but I’ll always be honest with you. Listen to your little voice. Is it telling you that your struggle with money will never end; that the idea that it CAN end is a pipe dream; that I’m just another internet scammer; that you don’t have what it takes to change your life?
That little voice is the same one that’s keeping you right where you are.
That’s what you’ve been calling “fear” all these years.
And this is your chance to shut it down for good.
This is your chance.
I’m not in the business of pressuring people, and I’m not going to hunt you down if you don’t want to participate in the workshop… but I’ll always be honest with you. Listen to your little voice. Is it telling you that your struggle with money will never end; that the idea that it CAN end is a pipe dream; that I’m just another internet scammer; that you don’t have what it takes to change your life?
That little voice is the same one that’s keeping you right where you are.
That’s what you’ve been calling “fear” all these years.
And this is your chance to shut it down for good.
This is your chance.
In this premium workshop I’ve titled The Money Mindset Transformation, I will help you uncover your own beliefs about money -- just like I did -- and help you realize exactly how those beliefs have kept you right where you don’t want to be.
I’m here to help you realize your potential. You CAN start living life free from the nagging burden that only comes from struggling with money. You CAN put yourself in charge.
This course is NOT another budgeting workshop.
In fact, we won't talk about budgets at all. It’s not a quick fix, and again -- it’s NOT going to be EASY. EASY is for suckers on the internet that are desperate for change but aren’t willing to work for it.
And that’s not you.
I’m not going to boss you around, tell you what investments to make, or give you any rigid rules to live by. No workshop will ever be a magic potion as a way out of all your problems -- and if you ever see anyone promising that, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction!
The Money Mindset Transformation will show you how to stop believing money is a problem -- and awaken your innate power to go out and earn more of it.
Together, we’ll go through seven life-changing concepts about money:
  • 1. Why More Money Won’t Make You Happy… and What Will
  • 2. Money Isn’t Magic
  • 3. Actually, Not Having Enough Money is a Problem You CAN SOLVE
  • 4. Money Doesn’t Grow -- It Flows
  • 5. If You Want to Earn More, Do This
  • 6. The Thing We Have That’s More Valuable Than Money
  • 7. When You’re Done ___________, You’re Done Earning
I’m sure you’ve all heard the phrase “Money can’t buy you happiness.” Well, it’s true! Money does NOT generate happiness, but I know what does -- and you'll learn exactly what that is in this workshop.
What do I get when I enroll in the workshop?
  • Lifetime access to workshop video
  • Downloadable PDF workbook including a copy of all slides from the workshop
  • Verbatim transcript of the entire workshop 
How is the course delivered?
Once you enroll in the workshop, you will be directed to a page where you’ll be able to watch the video and download the workbook. You can choose to print the workbook or follow along on a mobile device; we recommend printing so you can take notes and more easily participate in the activities within the workshop.
What can I expect?
Plan to spend at least two hours to work through this dynamic, action-oriented workshop together. “Action-oriented” means that while you view/listen to the video workshop, you will also be working through activities within the corresponding workbook. True to my teaching style, however, the course is self-paced. This means you do not need to have several hours of time all at once in order to complete the material. You can stop and start as often as you need to.
How do I know if this will work for me?
If you’re looking for a total mindset transformation around money instead of another feel-good, woo-woo, useless “quick fix” you know isn’t going to last, then this workshop is for you. If you are tired of the frustration and fear you have around the topic of money, then this workshop is for you too.
What do I need to participate in the workshop?
All you need is a good internet connection to stream the workshop and download the PDF workbook. Printing the workbook is optional but recommended.
For a small, one-time investment of $97, I’ll personally coach you through exactly how to change your mind about money. The workshop is specifically designed to transform the way you think about, spend, and earn the green stuff -- forever.
Along with the workshop, you also receive a beautiful, printable PDF workbook. You’ll use it to work through different mindset-related activities within the workshop.
We give money too much power over our lives. We let it dictate our decisions, our relationships -- even our emotions. Know that it is possible to have a mindset about money that will work FOR you and not AGAINST you.
Money is a tool everyone can have -- not something that only other people have. You CAN generate more money -- but you must change the way you think about it first. 
Take the time to invest in YOU.
Click below to invest in both the workshop and workbook for just $97.
Be prepared to change your mindset -- and your life -- forever.
"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver."
--Ayn Rand
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